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Gain information/Cultivate insight/Become Equipped/

Navigate Challenges/Gain balance/ Find your soft heart/

Make the difference


Without insight you are parenting blind.  Our culture is doing nothing to support your child's development, but is focussed only on behaviour and performance.  If your goal is to raise a healthy adaptive child who is able to negotiate the challenges they face, is able to overcome hardship and limitations, is creative and full of initiative, and is capable of deep fulfilling relationships, then current parenting practices such as time-outs, and punitive consequences are not for you. Discover a way of parenting that is intuitive and in tune with your deepest instincts, makes intellectual sense, and just plain works. You'll have to put up with a little more emotional expression than people are generally comfortable with - but you'll have the best chance at growing amazing adults.


These courses are designed to help you make sense of your kids, and to give you the insight you require to be the parent they need. 


Courses consist of home study combined with on-location meetings with Pamela. The home-study portion is completed via access to the Neufeld Institute's virtual campus, which houses course resources, a moderated discussion forum, and monthly live on-line Q&A sessions with Neufeld Institute faculty.  The working "text book" for each course is a video-recordings of Dr. Neufeld teaching, and many supplementary resources are also available to students on the campus. A core component of these courses are the live classes in which Pamela will answer questions and discuss practical application of the approach in your family. For more information about the format of these courses, please contact Pamela.

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